Thursday, July 22, 2010

The First

There is always a first time.  This is one of them.  Blogging.  Yes, I'll be posting thoughts and things that capture my curiosity and fancy.  First things first, the title of this blog.  It is my favorite quote from anything that I have read, and it comes from the Book of Mormon :

20 Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men.  (2 Nephi 30). 

Ok...this passage says it all.  It is the motto for my life; it is what I strive for.  What is your favorite quote or scripture? 


  1. I don't really have a favorite quote or scripture. I'll have to think about that. Wait. I lied. My favorite scripture is Matthew 14:28-32. I think we all have these moments when fear overtakes us and the only thing left to do is ask for Christ's help. My favorite word is in verse 31 when it says "immediately" Something to ponder on...

  2. Mosiah, Chapter 4: 13-30 - it is how I've tried to live my life and teach my children.

    I'm so happy you are starting a blog ...yeah!
