Saturday, October 16, 2010


Last time I went to Utah to drop off my son to the MTC my family and I stayed in this descent motel where they offered a good variety of complimentary continental breakfast.  Having instant oatmeal and boiled eggs the previous morning, the following day I decided to venture on the wild side and come up with something new.  As I was scanning the ingredients laid before me I noticed a Danish doughnut which instantly gave me a thought “that thing in the middle is cheese cream…hmmm.”  "Bang!" I came up a perfect recipe.

I went to the bagel section of the kitchen/longue, which was only 5 feet away from me.  I grabbed two pockets of Kraft cream cheese and a little plastic container of  Kraft strawberry jam.  I then went to the waffle section of the kitchen/lounge which was about 10 feet away and I took a cup of premade waffle batter and dispensed it in the already hot PRO Belgian Waffle Maker.  Before closing the ½ of the waffle iron, I opened the pockets of cream cheese and strawberry jam and spread it throughout the batter as it began to sizzle.  I then closed the waffle iron, flipped it upside down, and the waited for the 2 min 30 sec alarm signal, which automatically starts as soon as you close and flip over the waffle iron.  I waited and then opened it.  The end product smelled and  looked delicious.  

I then took my newly made food invention to the table where my family sat eating cereals and bagels.  I sat down with a smirk on my face and told them what I did.  Some of my critics, as always, rolled their eyes.  This is to be expected if you are always coming up with inventions that never materialize or see the light of their creation.  This time it was in front of them.  I took the first bite, and the waffle just melted in my mouth….delicious!  Kelly, noticing my sublime reaction, asked for a bite, and guess what?  She liked it! She was converted an instant convert.  You have to know Kelly; she is the best cook in town.  She is also a hard critique of food because she is that good.  To have her thumbs up should mean a lot to anybody; to me it just gave me much pleasure.  Jay followed and he liked it too.  The reviews were in.  I had to be taken serious as a novice cool.  Kelly thought it was the best waffles she has ever tasted.  

A good complimentary continental breakfast offers you choices for your imagination and it provides you with the basic tools, waffle iron, toaster, microwave, to help you materialize your imaginings, even a perfect recipe.  Don't just take my words, ask the critiques.